fejesb: IMG_1592
fejesb: IMG_1594
fejesb: IMG_1595
fejesb: IMG_1616
fejesb: IMG_1617
fejesb: Turdus merula
fejesb: IMG_1665
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Portrait of a bird
fejesb: Swans on the ice
fejesb: Bird Experience V
fejesb: Bird Experience IV
fejesb: Oriole (Turdus merula) (♀)
fejesb: Just the usual bird :)
fejesb: Barázdabillegető (Motacilla alba)
fejesb: Duck
fejesb: Tit & sunshine & birdfood
fejesb: Blue tit
fejesb: Bird in sunshine
fejesb: Tit
fejesb: Bird in sunshine
fejesb: Blue tit
fejesb: Blue tit eating