Katrina Dreamer: Sun shining on Healing Gardens
Katrina Dreamer: View of the Tor from the garden
Katrina Dreamer: The girls having breakfast.
Katrina Dreamer: View of town from the hill near the house
Katrina Dreamer: Holy Thorn tree that was vandalized earlier this year--all the branches were cut off
Katrina Dreamer: So much green everywhere!!
Katrina Dreamer: Owl signs
Katrina Dreamer: Chris on the trail
Katrina Dreamer: Feeling happy on our walk
Katrina Dreamer: The lovely Chris who I am staying with in Leeds.
Katrina Dreamer: I can see why people said Tolkein got the idea for Ents here
Katrina Dreamer: I just loved this tree!
Katrina Dreamer: Gorgeous rhododendrons
Katrina Dreamer: Rhododendron
Katrina Dreamer: The Meanwood Trail is so lovely...
Katrina Dreamer: Reflection
Katrina Dreamer: The lovely pond near the trail.
Katrina Dreamer: The path just around the corner from Chris's house in Leeds
Katrina Dreamer: Natalia and the bees
Katrina Dreamer: The markets
Katrina Dreamer: Bizarro world TJ Maxx
Katrina Dreamer: Seven Arches, an old aqueduct
Katrina Dreamer: Another sitting spot view
Katrina Dreamer: The sitting spot I found today in Leeds
Katrina Dreamer: Journaling, listening to Death Cab, chillin'
Katrina Dreamer: Taking a breather in the sun
Katrina Dreamer: In the nature reserve, Leeds
Katrina Dreamer: Boat for hire in downtown Leeds
Katrina Dreamer: Doing a river walk in Leeds