Katrina Dreamer: Earth alter created behind Cluny Hill at Findhorn... My experience group made it
Katrina Dreamer: My favorite spot so far...the tree swing
Katrina Dreamer: View from my room at Findhorn
Katrina Dreamer: Unicorn tapestry
Katrina Dreamer: Cluny Hill at Findhorn
Katrina Dreamer: View from the tree swing at Findhorn
Katrina Dreamer: A beautiful findhorn beech tree
Katrina Dreamer: Bed and breakfast in Scotland
Katrina Dreamer: Super small plane to Scotland
Katrina Dreamer: Sunset on the way to England
Katrina Dreamer: Sitting at the gate waiting to begin the adventure
Katrina Dreamer: Iona B&B
Katrina Dreamer: Scottish loch and hills somewhere near Ben Nevis
Katrina Dreamer: Lilacs!!!
Katrina Dreamer: There are lilacs in bloom everywhere here and these were my favorite
Katrina Dreamer: Last look at Iona Thursday morning
Katrina Dreamer: View from the hill
Katrina Dreamer: The view from my meditation spot today. I climbed a bit up that hill after.
Katrina Dreamer: I love the green water
Katrina Dreamer: More of those glorious rocks
Katrina Dreamer: Beach at the west end of Iona
Katrina Dreamer: All alone on the beach today
Katrina Dreamer: The b&b I stayed at on Iona
Katrina Dreamer: Stones! I've never seen a beach like this...
Katrina Dreamer: Columba's Bay: the beach is all stones and I was fascinated w/ the way the rocks meet the land
Katrina Dreamer: Feeling very glad the rain let up so I could see this
Katrina Dreamer: The road to the west coast
Katrina Dreamer: My scruffy little dog friend who liked to be scratched behind the ear
Katrina Dreamer: Beach rocks like candy
Katrina Dreamer: This picture barely captures how gorgeous this beach is