feisty la: Gabriel's Visit
feisty la: Filling the pool
feisty la: Harvesting Tomatoes
feisty la: Barn Owl
feisty la: Screech Owl
feisty la: A tadpole turning into a frog (see leg starting)
feisty la: Gabriel looks into the Goat area
feisty la: Kris, Gabriel and Annette
feisty la: Gabriel watches the "little baby goat eating grass"
feisty la: "Big goat has big horns"
feisty la: At one with nature
feisty la: Momma in repose
feisty la: A pretty bird in a pretty tree
feisty la: Gabriel zonked out at the Desert Museum
feisty la: Passion Flower at the Desert Museum
feisty la: Gabriel at the Desert Museum
feisty la: Handing tomato harvest to Uncle Kris
feisty la: Gabriel and his loud book.
feisty la: Gabriel taking pictures
feisty la: Gabriel and me a bit tired at dinner
feisty la: Gabriel pumps water at the Zoo kids area
feisty la: All the kiddies visiting
feisty la: All the kiddies visiting
feisty la: Loving playing the guitar
feisty la: Mommy and Gabriel
feisty la: He got to pull the rope and make choo choo whistle
feisty la: Loving trains
feisty la: Train ride!
feisty la: Looking at choo choo trains
feisty la: At Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse