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Gabriel's Visit 2010 by feisty la
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feisty la
Gabriel's Visit
feisty la
Filling the pool
feisty la
Harvesting Tomatoes
feisty la
Barn Owl
feisty la
Screech Owl
feisty la
A tadpole turning into a frog (see leg starting)
feisty la
Gabriel looks into the Goat area
feisty la
Kris, Gabriel and Annette
feisty la
Gabriel watches the "little baby goat eating grass"
feisty la
"Big goat has big horns"
feisty la
At one with nature
feisty la
Momma in repose
feisty la
A pretty bird in a pretty tree
feisty la
Gabriel zonked out at the Desert Museum
feisty la
Passion Flower at the Desert Museum
feisty la
Gabriel at the Desert Museum
feisty la
Handing tomato harvest to Uncle Kris
feisty la
Gabriel and his loud book.
feisty la
Gabriel taking pictures
feisty la
Gabriel and me a bit tired at dinner
feisty la
Gabriel pumps water at the Zoo kids area
feisty la
All the kiddies visiting
feisty la
All the kiddies visiting
feisty la
Loving playing the guitar
feisty la
Mommy and Gabriel
feisty la
He got to pull the rope and make choo choo whistle
feisty la
Loving trains
feisty la
Train ride!
feisty la
Looking at choo choo trains
feisty la
At Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse
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