feisty la: Tyler n Canyon
feisty la: Kris n Canyon
feisty la: Carla and kenny's gift
feisty la: Kenny n Merri and the Canyon
feisty la: Kenny and the Canyon
feisty la: Kenny and the Canyon
feisty la: Kris n Carla at Shoshone point
feisty la: Kris n Carla at Shoshone point
feisty la: Kenny at Shoshone... what's all that smoke
feisty la: Kids at Shoshone Point
feisty la: Kris at Shoshone point
feisty la: Evacuated, now what?
feisty la: Girls wait for wedding
feisty la: Kids wait for wedding
feisty la: Check out the rings
feisty la: Groom grooming
feisty la: Here comes the Golden bride
feisty la: Here comes the Golden bride
feisty la: MikeDebbie Wedding Party
feisty la: MikeDebbie Wedding Party
feisty la: Bride on a precipice
feisty la: MikeDebbie Wedding Party
feisty la: MikeDebbie Wedding Party
feisty la: Bride on a log
feisty la: Bride on a log
feisty la: Music Please
feisty la: Mike Debbie wedding
feisty la: Mike Debbie wedding
feisty la: Mike Debbie wedding
feisty la: Mike Debbie wedding