Thermo Fisher Scientific: 2015 FEI Image Contest
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Discovery of New Mineral from a Meteorite
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Isolation of a 250 nm pre-solar grain (from a Meteorite)
Thermo Fisher Scientific: FIB sectioning of ~1 billion year old Organic microfossils
Thermo Fisher Scientific: ZnO nanorods - "nanopencils"
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Daisy florets containing pollen
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Dandielion sun
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Dandielion barbs
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Pollen de tournesol, Pollen Sunflower
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Zn Coating on Steel Fastener
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Ni SAPO catalist membrane
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Pollen grain surface of Aulax umbellata (Proteaceae)
Thermo Fisher Scientific: A volcano of Tobacco mosaic virus
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Coccolith fossil
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Mosaic of planes
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Unexpected Beauty
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Aphid sp. on Rumex sp.
Thermo Fisher Scientific: 3D Gallium Microsphere