Thermo Fisher Scientific: 2012 FEI Image Contest
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Mais Staerke 400x
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Rhizopus stolonifer, fungus
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Rhizopus stolonifer, fungus
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Aphid Chaitophorus sp. on Populus alba leaf.
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Pastel Butterfly
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Stoma of a potato leaf
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Heart of Superalloy
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Quanta 600 FEG Stage
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Quanta 600 FEG Stage
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Gold nanoparticle at High Resolution Image
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Carbon Nanofiber with Cu Diamond( Nano Necklace)
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Stairway to heaven
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Wings of a Dragon
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Knee of a Cricket
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Ichneumonidae larva mouthparts