feetmanseoul: IMG_8486
feetmanseoul: IMG_8803
feetmanseoul: Shirt girl n friend
feetmanseoul: Shirt girl n friend
feetmanseoul: IMG_1001
feetmanseoul: IMG_1023 copy
feetmanseoul: Throwback Saturday. My absolute favorite picture from SFW. Gender taboos have come a long way, baby. Traditionally, women are supposed to only smoke under a roof, not ever outside, out in public. This young lady in the picture IS ladies, nowadays. Not al
feetmanseoul: Girls smoking. It's a thing. Can't pass it up.
feetmanseoul: Real talk, Korean style, requiring a squat and a smoke.
feetmanseoul: In Korea, smoking used to mark "bad girls" and was something done literally under or behind cover, although nowadays it is more a sign of rejecting these older social norms of disparately gendered notions of gender-appropriate behavior.
feetmanseoul: Smoke break in heels at Hongdae.
feetmanseoul: Notions of Confucian propriety for women have either disappeared or very much faded. Well, hey, this IS Hongdae.
feetmanseoul: Fetishized femininity. Butler would say that the basis of gender identity is its performance. Gender performance here is virtuosic.
feetmanseoul: (In Austin Powers voice) "Is it cold in here?!" 30 degrees Fahrenheit, so, yeah.
feetmanseoul: Super selfie! Korea's most highly developed fine art!!!!!
feetmanseoul: IMG_1053 copy
feetmanseoul: IMG_5624 copy
feetmanseoul: IMG_7433 copy
feetmanseoul: IMG_1976 copy
feetmanseoul: IMG_2024 copy
feetmanseoul: IMG_9426 copy
feetmanseoul: IMG_2256 copy