Kimberly Maria Buxton (김보라) is slated to become the first non"pure" Korean to ever gain an MFA in Korean tradition dance, having studies under Intangible Cultural Asset No. 27 when she performs her Salpuri or "Dance of Exorcism" on Dec. 2nd for her gradua
Kimberly in control of her spirit and those of others through traditional Korean dance. Much pain, sorrow, and suffering will be ritually purged on December 2nd through her graduation show, in which a non "pure blood" Korean will be bestowed an MFA in Kor
The utmost respect for a true diehard fashionista. Broken leg in a cast from a car accident or no, she was COMING to Fashion Week, DAMMIT. One fashion shoe with frilly sock and a cast and shit, for real. Look of the day, no joke! I did make her walk a bit
Nanjung, no filters, no effects. Because she so good in front of the camera, only the untouched file is worthy. Also, I don't PLAY when it comes to my street portraits. Perfect from jump means you don't NEED no Photoshop.
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Individual color against a drab Central Seoul backdrop. #seoul #seoulfashionweek #korea #korean #streetportrait #streetphotography #pinup #instapin
This continues to be my favorite pictorial, sartorial subject from recent Seoul Fashion Weeks. Because I'm going to say it. Most of street fashion here in Korea is bullshit and artifice. She ain't neither of those. She is smoking like she got em!!!
Fine detailing on the preshow makeup. And the cellphone.
In the end, all that prep and hard work results Ina stunning final product. But we should remember that it is a product. Of many professionals working full time to create an illusion. From hair and makeup on outlier human beings to styling and lighting, i
A diehard makeup artist. Lights?! What's LIGHTS?! She dont need no fricking lights!! Before the Yang Hee Deuk show.
As the first show begins the makeup room with the models for the next one has to turn off their lights. But the primping must go on.
The pre-Chuseok consumption-frenzy as the last Saturday during the very long weekend begins, ending next Thursday. Hitting Seoul's most popular non-Gangnam department store this weekend is not advised without body armor.
No more roasted squid and beer at the Korean cineplex. American fare and popcorn machines in effect, although a set of popcorn and two drinks costs about $6 here, you can actually eat something from the concession stand without a credit report and a down
In the realm of the consumptive senses.
This buttony skirt is errywhere. I like it. I've been chasing this skirt all summer. Some might call it a perv shot, but I do like the skirt. And it's the best way I can think of to capture this piece of übertrendy clothing. She was right there as I got
The kingdom of Jesus, as promised by the exhorters always present at the mouth of the Seoul's most densely packed and bustling watering hole of consumptive pleasures in Myeongdong, a place symbolizing what the Pope invoked as Korea's growing flirtation wi
Picture perfect, radiant, 선명한 컬러. More like highly paid makeup artist, talented Photoshop technician make "radiant color" on professional beautiful person. If the kids knew and FELT that, nobody would have disorders and shit. Well, a FEW would, but anyway
(In Austin Powers voice) "Is it cold in here?!" 30 degrees Fahrenheit, so, yeah.
Notions of Confucian propriety for women have either disappeared or very much faded. Well, hey, this IS Hongdae.
At Danwon High School, where the kids in the boat accident were from. All in all, it was an emotionally intense scene, with individual sentiments of hope multiplies into the hundreds.
At Danwon High School, where the kids in the boat accident were from. I found a couple students to guide me through the hallway and break things down for me.
At Danwon High School, where the kids in the boat accident were from. The classroom where most of the 2nd-year students were from are covered with notes and wishes from fellow students.
One of the classrooms used by students on the ferry boat trip. Korean schools are organized by "homeroom" in which the students stay all day, with the teachers changing around all day and moving frok room to room, which is why this empty 2nd-year classroo
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