Students here seem very confused about what they're doing and how to properly go about doing things. Their confusion makes for signs and ads that are very confusING.
Ads for plastic surgery in my building at Hongik University.
Going into the representative Gangnam subway line--#3 orange line--in the escalators alone, you can't miss being assaulted with plastic surgery ads. It's the only ad type coming down the escalators. Here's one for the "Jewelry"clinic. "BYOBB" for bring yo
Just on the escalator down... This is 1 ad of 4.
Major "fat-shaming" ad campaign on Seoul buses.
Wanna study TOEIC with "Karen" because of her impressive qualifications not referenced at all in this ad?
Funny to see ads in Chinese and English for casinos that it is illegal for Koreans themselves to gamble in or even enter.
Right. Saccharine, devoid of flavor. Sugar-free. They likely have no idea just how apropos this description really is. Indeed, for many with an allergy to the artificially sweetened, consumption of the product causes nausea, light-headedness, and even gr
Really, Burger King? For slanging burgers? Well, on second thought, selling meat is selling meat. Makes sense.