feetmanseoul: Nice coat, but I guess she don't really that cold.
feetmanseoul: (In Austin Powers voice) "Is it cold in here?!" 30 degrees Fahrenheit, so, yeah.
feetmanseoul: "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." Indeed, it's cold as Hoth today in Seoul.
feetmanseoul: On the way out of the office Friday at midnight, saw some detritus from the party people wash ashore at the front gate, where a drunk girl sat in the subzero cold, drunk and crying, calling her apparently EX-boyfriend. Ah, first world problems. Anyway, i
feetmanseoul: Funky cold ajumma.
feetmanseoul: Girl's gotta hawk stuff, but she looks gobsmacked by the cold. She's holding on to her heat pack to keep warm, but it looks like a losing battle.
feetmanseoul: Notions of Confucian propriety for women have either disappeared or very much faded. Well, hey, this IS Hongdae.
feetmanseoul: A girl from Daegu waits for her boyfriend near Hongdae for a Christmas date.