feesta: Trafalgar Square
feesta: Hoxton Square
feesta: glass
feesta: Max's birthday-eve dinner
feesta: room
feesta: room
feesta: council flats?
feesta: window
feesta: Michael
feesta: council flats?
feesta: Michael's flat
feesta: Old Street
feesta: West Kensington
feesta: Hoxton Square
feesta: Michael's flat
feesta: Notting Hill station
feesta: Notting Hill station
feesta: house (small building at the back of the lot)
feesta: house for rent (kitchen)
feesta: house for rent (backyard)
feesta: house for rent (living room)
feesta: house for rent (3rd floor bedroom)
feesta: house for rent (bedroom)
feesta: house for rent
feesta: British Museum
feesta: British Museum
feesta: steve
feesta: LA Steve and the port-a-John
feesta: Ivo!
feesta: LA steve