feelmauve: sound enigineers: Kiri & Bresa
feelmauve: Alberto
feelmauve: Kiri: sound engineer
feelmauve: Alberto: traccia base
feelmauve: gift of sleepless night: puffy eyes
feelmauve: gift bonsai
feelmauve: bass
feelmauve: from the living room
feelmauve: exercise for bass players
feelmauve: kitchen love
feelmauve: from the kitchen
feelmauve: from the kitchen
feelmauve: fair trade banana
feelmauve: cucina: attrazione fatale
feelmauve: Studio A: control room, living room
feelmauve: Kiri
feelmauve: kitchen
feelmauve: abbinamento maniacale
feelmauve: lyrics
feelmauve: inquilino
feelmauve: studio B ( B like bedroom)
feelmauve: il secolo breve
feelmauve: spy outside
feelmauve: appunti del sound engineer