Feeling Fuzzy?: Feb-Instagram
Feeling Fuzzy?: Wearing my new Beattie Lanser dress today :) @beattielanser #beattielanser
Feeling Fuzzy?: The Love Float!! #mardigras
Feeling Fuzzy?: Pink Poncho Peeps #mardigras
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 28 Catch Up | What I'm listening too | Wilton's jingly dog collar #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Beetroot Friends
Feeling Fuzzy?: What a find... A 2m long rosary chain of faceted wood blocks! #reversegarbage
Feeling Fuzzy?: Morning Walk
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 23 | Shoes #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 27 | Avocado on Toast #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Pink Ladies
Feeling Fuzzy?: Affagato before Belvoir with Amy
Feeling Fuzzy?: Cue soundtrack of cicadas.
Feeling Fuzzy?: Good morning!
Feeling Fuzzy?: Pretty Post-it's make research fun! Thanks Yumi for these :)
Feeling Fuzzy?: Curvy Concrete by Harry Seidler | Surprisingly cool to the touch despite the heat of the day
Feeling Fuzzy?: Sydney Love
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 21 | My new workplace | The desk in my home study is just itching to get me working! Must tidy multiple piles of stuff.
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 20 | Favourite photo of myself | One day late... Two photos, 21 years between the two, me and my dad.
Feeling Fuzzy?: After a morning swim... In coming tide was a little too energetic for laps!
Feeling Fuzzy?: Good morning!
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 20 | Handwriting | With the Power Hose at my mum's place #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: First Day of Holiday Week!
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 19 | Something You Hate To Do | Finding Receipts for a very late tax return :( #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 18 | Drink #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Mackeral Time!
Feeling Fuzzy?: Waiting for the water taxi... Gilligan's Island Style
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 17 | Time | A day late. #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 15 | Something new | A beautiful parting gift from a work colleague - a silk fabric sampler for kimonos. Very proud to give it a new home :) #febphotoaday
Feeling Fuzzy?: Day 15 | Phone #febphotoaday