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lio ●
feb09: utah by *phoebe
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wasatch brewery: polygomy porter
park city: me, the trolley and old main street
park city: mario and red truck
park city: mario on main street japanese style
park city: me and franz the bear
park city: mario hangin' with franz the bear
park city: monday morning brunch
park city: steak night!
park city: me and my ribeye!
the canyons: gorgeous tree lined runs
the canyons: quiet runs to the west
the canyons: gondola to the resort
the canyons: mario is having fun riding the gondola!
the canyons: mario...
park city resort: chillin' on the mountain
park city resort: home run
park city resort: wasatch range
park city resort: trees
park city resort: mario and me
park city resort: chairlift
park city resort: lunch break
park city resort: brat and beer
park city resort: shed and mario
park city resort: blue skies and trees
park city resort: mid mountain
park city resort: mario
park city resort: view from lift
park city resort: chairlift 01
park city resort: chairlift 02
park city resort: mario and me on chairlift
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