Fedward Potz: When They Walk, They Don't Touch the Ground
Fedward Potz: Darcy Looks Matter-of-Fact
Fedward Potz: Flamingos
Fedward Potz: I Dunno, What Do You Want to Do?
Fedward Potz: Black & White Ruffed Lemur
Fedward Potz: Darcy, Renger, Emily, and Silke View the Lemur
Fedward Potz: Emily and Silke
Fedward Potz: Wait, Are You Taking My PIcture?
Fedward Potz: Oh, No! You Are Taking My Picture!
Fedward Potz: I Guess I'll Be Cute Then
Fedward Potz: Can I See?
Fedward Potz: Darcy Waits
Fedward Potz: Group Photo
Fedward Potz: Silke Makes a Break for It
Fedward Potz: Silke and Darcy View … Something.
Fedward Potz: Do Not Anger the Tiki Gods
Fedward Potz: Cooling Off
Fedward Potz: Darcy Cools Off
Fedward Potz: Renger Gets Misty
Fedward Potz: Cooling Off
Fedward Potz: Silkes in the Mist
Fedward Potz: Silkes in the Mist
Fedward Potz: Silkes in the Mist
Fedward Potz: Stop Pointing That at Me
Fedward Potz: Is My Hair Wet Enough Yet?
Fedward Potz: Popeye
Fedward Potz: Darcy Watches the Tortoise