featherweight2009: Molting King Penguin
featherweight2009: Kings taking the plunge
featherweight2009: King at Fortuna Bay
featherweight2009: Oakum swallowing stones
featherweight2009: Oakum eating rocks
featherweight2009: Oakum Boy portrait
featherweight2009: Kings at Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: Kings in snow
featherweight2009: Kings going for a dip
featherweight2009: Kings & Ortelius
featherweight2009: King stretch
featherweight2009: King Stretch
featherweight2009: King stretch
featherweight2009: King resting
featherweight2009: Kings in the snow
featherweight2009: Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: Feeding time at Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: Feeding time at Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: King feeding chic
featherweight2009: Feeding time at Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: Feeding time at Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: Feeding time at Gold Harbour
featherweight2009: Feeding time at Gold Harbour