FeatheredTar: Weeping in the Wind
FeatheredTar: Resting Bed
FeatheredTar: Sitting Down to Die
FeatheredTar: Fruits of the Vine
FeatheredTar: Battle Scars
FeatheredTar: Diaphanous Propellers
FeatheredTar: Artificial Fresh Water Spring
FeatheredTar: Leaf it to Us
FeatheredTar: Concealed Gossamer
FeatheredTar: Oil Pipeline
FeatheredTar: Trying to Blend In
FeatheredTar: Retired Grinder
FeatheredTar: Contextually Unnecessary
FeatheredTar: Welcomed Brightness
FeatheredTar: Imaginary Boundaries
FeatheredTar: Being Sent Out Into the World
FeatheredTar: Cracking Up
FeatheredTar: A Sign of Humanity's Temporary Residence on Earth
FeatheredTar: Nature's Delicate Dominion Over Civilization
FeatheredTar: Being Hinged on the Temporary
FeatheredTar: Life Amidst Limitation