feastoflove: Scouting out the market
feastoflove: Farmer's Market real food
feastoflove: State Street
feastoflove: State St towards Capital
feastoflove: Muhlenberg friends
feastoflove: Walk down State Street
feastoflove: Look at this sky, people.
feastoflove: U Madison History building
feastoflove: U Madison student union
feastoflove: U Madison brick
feastoflove: We ate brats and hotdogs here.
feastoflove: MADISON SKYYYYYY!
feastoflove: Something with columns
feastoflove: Kitty and Jolene duke it out
feastoflove: Graze restaurant
feastoflove: Graze menu
feastoflove: Death by cookies and milk
feastoflove: Death by strawberry and brownie
feastoflove: Death by Molasses cookie sandwich
feastoflove: Chris and his cookie sandwich
feastoflove: Pretty Sarahs
feastoflove: That milk was like ice cream
feastoflove: Pretty Monona
feastoflove: Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace
feastoflove: We wished we were in those boats
feastoflove: The gang on Monona Terrace
feastoflove: Capital insides!
feastoflove: Capital from Monona Terrace
feastoflove: Le capitale!
feastoflove: Sunset lake