fe505: IMG_3081
fe505: IMG_3082
fe505: Crowd going into Javits
fe505: Doctor Who Empty Child Cosplay
fe505: Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger version) and Catwoman
fe505: Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger version) and Supergirl
fe505: Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger version) and Supergirl
fe505: Spider-Man
fe505: Spider-Man
fe505: Captain Americas and ANBU Black Ops
fe505: Poison Ivy, Sith Lord, Harley
fe505: Blair Herter
fe505: Doctor Who, Weeping Angel and Tardis
fe505: Tokidoki Simone Legno
fe505: IMG_3101
fe505: Tokidoki Simone Legno
fe505: Tokidoki Simone Legno
fe505: Adventure Time Custom Vinyl Toy
fe505: Spirit Kami Figure
fe505: Spirit Kami Figure
fe505: Spirit Kami Figure
fe505: Frombie SB Pang
fe505: IMG_3113
fe505: Tokidoki Punkstar Rudy Vinyl Figure
fe505: Tokidoki Punkstar Rudy Vinyl Figure
fe505: Harley Quinn and Robin
fe505: Naruto Shippuden: Deidara
fe505: Lady Hawkeye
fe505: Sega Booth
fe505: Ghostbuster with Pink Hello Kitty Proton Pack