fdecomite: torus
fdecomite: Doyle Spiral
fdecomite: Strong Wind today in Virtual Land
fdecomite: Cutting a fractal dodecahedron
fdecomite: Colloque
fdecomite: Marble Packing radius 16
fdecomite: indraDoyle
fdecomite: Hamiltonian circuit on a small rhombicosidodecahedron
fdecomite: Fibonachess
fdecomite: Infinite chess
fdecomite: zonotope
fdecomite: Ziggurat
fdecomite: A compound of five hamiltonian circuits of a rhomb-icosi-dodecahedron with the same symmetry as the compound of five tetrahedra this time I blow up the record of the longest title
fdecomite: Doyle Flushing
fdecomite: Reflection in a silver eye
fdecomite: Coxeter-Boerdijk Helices
fdecomite: Shadows of hatted people
fdecomite: Pentagonal hexecontahedron
fdecomite: cardioid
fdecomite: dini's surface
fdecomite: sine surface
fdecomite: Playing cards polyhedra : the 13 Catalan solids
fdecomite: Playing cards polyhedra : following the edges of the archimedean solids
fdecomite: kiss surface
fdecomite: Inside a Dini's Surface
fdecomite: Connex labyrinth
fdecomite: Finitely infinite
fdecomite: Inverted gradient
fdecomite: The world in a nutshell
fdecomite: Spiral again