fdecomite: Slide-together : first try
fdecomite: Slide-together : first try
fdecomite: Slide-together : first try
fdecomite: Slide-together : first try
fdecomite: Slide-together : first try
fdecomite: Slide-together : first try
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together polyhedra
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of a cube and octahedron
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of a cube and octahedron
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of a cube and octahedron
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of a cube and octahedron
fdecomite: Slide-together : Stella Octangula
fdecomite: Slide-together : Stella Octangula
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of a cube and octahedron
fdecomite: Slide-together : Stella Octangula
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron
fdecomite: Slide together : compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron : sheet 1
fdecomite: Slide-together : compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron : sheet 2
fdecomite: Truncated Octahedron-Tetrakis Hexahedron compound