fdecomite: Escher's balkon transform+ Vasarely+Droste effect
fdecomite: Bumped Vasarely
fdecomite: Vasarelesque multicolor
fdecomite: Green and Vasarelesque
fdecomite: Red and Vasarelesque
fdecomite: Yellow and Vasarelesque
fdecomite: Blue and Vasarelesque
fdecomite: Pied de poule à la Vasarely
fdecomite: Hound's-tooth texture
fdecomite: Hound's-tooth perspective
fdecomite: Hound's-tooth teture
fdecomite: Hound's-tooth graveyard
fdecomite: Hound's-tooth
fdecomite: Iterated function systems
fdecomite: Variation Pied de Poule
fdecomite: Hound's-tooth Ball
fdecomite: Balkon+IFS+Droste
fdecomite: houndstooth
fdecomite: houndstooth
fdecomite: houndstooth
fdecomite: houndstooth
fdecomite: houndstooth
fdecomite: houndstooth