fdecomite: Conformal Mapping 1/(z*z)
fdecomite: Sunflower through conformal mapping 1/(z*z)
fdecomite: Orange lift wall through conformal mapping 1/(z*z)
fdecomite: Snail after conformal mapping 1/(z*z)
fdecomite: Metal marble in sand after cos(z*z) conformal mapping
fdecomite: tracks in the sand : conformal mapping
fdecomite: Twisted Corridor
fdecomite: Mechanical nightmare
fdecomite: The trousers of time
fdecomite: mmlog
fdecomite: mmlog2
fdecomite: mmlog3
fdecomite: mmlog4
fdecomite: mmlog5
fdecomite: Inverted Gravity
fdecomite: Transformation of a Milk Splash
fdecomite: Another transformation of a Milk Splash
fdecomite: YATOAMS
fdecomite: Fractalizing my pictures
fdecomite: Silk after conformal mappings
fdecomite: Silk mapping
fdecomite: Silk Mapping
fdecomite: Mapping
fdecomite: Mapping
fdecomite: Iterated mapping
fdecomite: Sunflower center variation II
fdecomite: Sunflower center variation I
fdecomite: Entropy
fdecomite: The kitchen is the best place for reflection
fdecomite: The kitchen is the best place for reflection