fcsuper: Field with pond at Mt. Washington resort in New Hampshire
fcsuper: Middle of the night
fcsuper: Hey, there's a moose in that photo!
fcsuper: IMG_1013
fcsuper: IMG_1012
fcsuper: IMG_1011
fcsuper: IMG_1010
fcsuper: IMG_1009
fcsuper: IMG_1008
fcsuper: IMG_1004
fcsuper: IMG_1003
fcsuper: IMG_1002
fcsuper: IMG_1001
fcsuper: IMG_1000
fcsuper: IMG_0997
fcsuper: Reflection of architecture
fcsuper: IMG_0995
fcsuper: IMG_0994
fcsuper: IMG_0993
fcsuper: IMG_0992
fcsuper: IMG_0990
fcsuper: IMG_0988
fcsuper: IMG_0987
fcsuper: IMG_0986
fcsuper: IMG_0985
fcsuper: IMG_0984
fcsuper: Mt. Washington in New Hampsire, Bretton resort in the rain
fcsuper: IMG_0982
fcsuper: IMG_0981
fcsuper: IMG_0980