fcsuper: Occupy Boston V
fcsuper: Occupy Boston IIII (Jewish [or something] circle)
fcsuper: Occupy Boston III
fcsuper: Occupy Boston II
fcsuper: Occupy Boston I
fcsuper: Museum of Science - thunder show II
fcsuper: Museum of Science - thunder show I
fcsuper: Museum of Science, it's the steam power
fcsuper: Museum of Science, it's the mirrors
fcsuper: Bunker Hill Memorial - what's that dude looking at?
fcsuper: Museum of Science tower
fcsuper: Macro fly, not a macro photo
fcsuper: Bunker Hill Monument - the big shaft
fcsuper: Bunker Hill Monument, big shaft
fcsuper: Top of the Bunker Hill Monument from the inside
fcsuper: Museum of Science in Boston
fcsuper: Bunker Hill Memorial - boyscotts and a cannon
fcsuper: Charleston strip mall, Boston
fcsuper: Downtown Boston - Near South Station
fcsuper: Boston Downtown, sun's window reflection on neighboring buildings
fcsuper: Nashua Steet Park, Boston III
fcsuper: Nashua Steet Park, Boston I
fcsuper: Nashua Steet Park, Boston II
fcsuper: Zap 2
fcsuper: Zap!
fcsuper: Grrr
fcsuper: From the Observation desk of Museum of Science
fcsuper: Pumpkins, flowers, lamp posts, townhomes, anything else?
fcsuper: Near Museum of Science
fcsuper: Bunker Hill Memorial - down the street