fredc10: My son playing in the rain
fredc10: He is so hungry....He can eat a carousel.😁
fredc10: My youngest enjoying his motor bike from Santa!
fredc10: Portrait I took of my friend's daughter
fredc10: King Bryson and Excalibur
fredc10: My Lil Knight
fredc10: Medeival B
fredc10: jesse sport poster
fredc10: Tripp Sports Poster
fredc10: My son's 12th Nerf War bday party. Great time!!
fredc10: My son's 12th Nerf War bday party. Great time!!
fredc10: My son's 12th Nerf War bday party. Great time!!
fredc10: My son's 12th Nerf War bday party. Great time!!
fredc10: My son's 12th Nerf War bday party. Great time!!
fredc10: My son's 12th Nerf War bday party. Great time!!