fcd72: STEP 1a: Cutting the Board
fcd72: STEP 1b
fcd72: STEP 2: Resistors
fcd72: STEP 3: more Resistors
fcd72: STEP 4: Resistors Part 3
fcd72: STEP 5: Lots of Resistors
fcd72: STEP 6: Resistors, the Sequel
fcd72: STEP 7: The Return of the Resistors
fcd72: STEP 8: The Last Resistors
fcd72: STEP 9: 100n Caps
fcd72: STEP 10: Quartz
fcd72: STEP 12: IC Sockets
fcd72: STEP 13: 33p Caps
fcd72: STEP 14: PicAxe Serial Programming Jack + Electrolytic Cap
fcd72: STEP 15a
fcd72: STEP 15b
fcd72: STEP 15: Board Stacking Connectors
fcd72: STEP 16: MOBO Backside
fcd72: STEP 17a: The last 220R
fcd72: STEP 17b: R220 POSITION
fcd72: STEP 17c: The last Resistor
fcd72: STEP 17d:
fcd72: STEP 18: Male Stacking Connectors
fcd72: STEP 19: Buttons
fcd72: STEP 19a:
fcd72: STEP 20: Output Jacks
fcd72: STEP 20b: Output Jacks
fcd72: STEP 21: Jack GND Connection
fcd72: STEP 22: The Potentiometer
fcd72: STEP 23a: LEDs