fcamd: c-section
fcamd: the OFF switch
fcamd: i'm a little tied up right now...
fcamd: surgeon
fcamd: appendix
fcamd: dreams in an ampule
fcamd: mask
fcamd: access
fcamd: pop-off valve
fcamd: anesthesia record
fcamd: it's a girl!
fcamd: under pressure
fcamd: premature
fcamd: minutes old...
fcamd: my thumb, his foot
fcamd: halothane
fcamd: lidocaine through mask
fcamd: taking notes
fcamd: Epidural
fcamd: concentration
fcamd: insert evil laugh here...
fcamd: no PEEPing
fcamd: o2
fcamd: first of twins
fcamd: OR table
fcamd: knob
fcamd: bouncing baby
fcamd: small OR...big event
fcamd: new bundle of joy!
fcamd: keeping watch