fbtb: 9470 - Box Front
fbtb: 9470 - Box Back
fbtb: 9470 - Overview 1
fbtb: 9470 - Overview 2
fbtb: 9470 - Shelob 1
fbtb: 9470 - Shelob 2
fbtb: 9470 - Shelob 3
fbtb: 9470 - Shelob 4
fbtb: She's not winking at you, she's hungry.
fbtb: 9470 - Downward Spider
fbtb: 9470 - Shelob Top
fbtb: 9470 - His only wish was to catch a fish
fbtb: 9470 - Cave
fbtb: 9470 - Slain
fbtb: Kills Bugs Dead
fbtb: 9470 - Tossing Gollum
fbtb: 9470 - Ouch
fbtb: 9470 - Cave Toss 2
fbtb: 9470 - Cave Toss 1
fbtb: 9470 - Take Away Lunch
fbtb: 9470 - Extra Bits
fbtb: One Ring
fbtb: 9470 - Flailing Gollum
fbtb: 9470 - Figs Front
fbtb: 9470 - Figs Back
fbtb: 9470 - Figs Armed
fbtb: She's in the trees...
fbtb: Look Out!