fbiluthien: TTT LOTR filming location
fbiluthien: Gandalf
fbiluthien: Mount Ngauruhoe
fbiluthien: Mount Ngauruhoe
fbiluthien: Mount Ngauruhoe
fbiluthien: Inside the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Inside the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Lij's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Sean Astin's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Billy's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Dom's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Sir Ian McKellen's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Viggo's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Orlando's seat at the Embassy Theatre
fbiluthien: Frodo & Lily Baggins
fbiluthien: A funny companion in the bus
fbiluthien: Cook Strait from Mount Vic
fbiluthien: Miramar
fbiluthien: Hallelujah
fbiluthien: Ah my beautiful Welly
fbiluthien: Whee!
fbiluthien: Shortcut to mushroom
fbiluthien: Get off the road!
fbiluthien: Whee!
fbiluthien: Whee!
fbiluthien: Dunharrow
fbiluthien: Shire
fbiluthien: Shire
fbiluthien: Shire
fbiluthien: Black rider... sort of