Fayster: lucy
Fayster: mini2
Fayster: Lucy
Fayster: meeting
Fayster: Ol' Ethel
Fayster: Lucy in Mascara
Fayster: Ethel With Summer Coat
Fayster: ruby
Fayster: Bonnie
Fayster: Bonnie
Fayster: Bonnie and Ruby
Fayster: Bonnie
Fayster: Ruby
Fayster: Max
Fayster: Max
Fayster: Brother
Fayster: Christmas Cat
Fayster: Brother
Fayster: Gus in black and white
Fayster: Pita's Nose
Fayster: Max
Fayster: Max
Fayster: Max
Fayster: Max
Fayster: Bonnie
Fayster: Ruby
Fayster: Brother yawning
Fayster: See the moth...
Fayster: Catch the moth...
Fayster: Eat the moth...