Blazingstar: Be Mine
Calakmul: Contemplation
vagabondfcr: Bwoken Paw - Ghillie-style.....
tg | photographer: Wherever you will go
Photo Bungler: Is that a chocolate bunny I smell?
Mark Philpott: Flopsy Bunny :)
fcrs4me: Orange Gerbera
Ruffhouse: Psssssstttt......
coastalight: Rod's Lindy
Apesanteur: God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.
sarah ...: lovingly glaring ...
cmaloyo: little boy and the lion
HTammepuu: Small dog, big world
Mark Gjøl: The Soul of the Swan
Herbert Harper: Pink Puppy Cake!
Blazingstar: Happy Valentine's Day
LazyCat13: RAZ_2768
sarazadie: Bogey
madyson93: Petite femelle Golden Retreiver
madyson93: Petite femelle Golden Retreiver
crispyking: Mias Mandarins
fabdebaz: Biberonnage du cochon d'inde
nicotine [braindead]: bobo @ 3rd month
Lord Muttley McFester: Lady Doodles McFester
Tygrays: The Eyes Have It....