Fauxred: This coffee has no cream or almond milk or anything. It's just black coffee and coconut oil and cinnamon put into a blender for ten seconds. So creamy!
Fauxred: Leering at @thetopper with @janynicole
Fauxred: Regram of @janynicole and @lipsticklori and some idiotic rubber face redhead.
Fauxred: Happy sleepy Unbirthday (long story) to me.
Fauxred: "Oh, were you reading this? YeahNO. Rubs nao."
Fauxred: #turnbacktuesday (did i just make that up?) Remember this @lipsticklori ?
Fauxred: Regram from @lipsticklori because it makes me so happy to be hanging out with this lady again after so long. I have seriously missed her.
Fauxred: Regram from @astragoblin . I luv me some Derpycat with his limp snuggles and spotted tummy and big toes and blank expression.
Fauxred: This doesn't look like a comfy napping position to me, but Derp seems to disagree.
Fauxred: Circus tent flowers. @#nofilter
Fauxred: A truly beautiful day walking past city hall. #sanfrancisco
Fauxred: Indeed.
Fauxred: Lazy morning with Derp snuggles, coffee, and a some new Scifi.
Fauxred: Colors. #nofilter
Fauxred: Graceful as always.
Fauxred: Got home from the gym and realized I hadn't eaten a thing all day. So I'm eating a massive lunch of two eggs baked in turkey meat cups and a grilled portobello mushroom with sesame oil and rosemary. Let the nomming commense!
Fauxred: Masquerading as a lady. You know it's a lie because of the messy unmade bed behind me. But I wear the drag pretty well.
Fauxred: The golden SF Opera. La Traviata was beautiful. The sets were stunning, the costumes wonderful, and the cast fantastic. I see more opera in my future.
Fauxred: Tomorrow I get to go to my very first full length big production opera. I haven't even been inside the SF Opera House since I was a kid. I yam excite!!!
Fauxred: Out cold. #derp #derpycat
Fauxred: Some of the furniture recently removed from the soon-to-be demolished Defenestration building. I always loved that art installation, and I'm glad to know that it will be relocated instead of destroyed. Old SF may be dying, but the artists will soldier on.
Fauxred: A girl and her bubble helmet. #scifi #arcadiakane #burlesque #spacegirl Cropped photo, original by David Bedno.
Fauxred: Ok ok, no one likes food photos, I know. But I'm teaching myself to cook and I'm proud of it! Doing Whole30 is making me learn to cook more creatively. This isn't a complicated lunch, but I've just never done it before. Today I used some sugar-free cured
Fauxred: Arcadia Kane giving attitude face to the Tin Kan Marching Band at #lagunitasbeercircus2014 . Original photo by Ryan Montgomery, and found by Vesper Synd who was kind enough to point it out to me. Heeheehee #beercircus #arcadiakane #circus #tkmb
Fauxred: Photo
Fauxred: Graceful Derp is graceful. This fuckin' cat.... *sigh
Fauxred: Rhinestoning for others is also fun. This one was just an easy two-tone sprinkling that took a couple hours. I'm told it looked great under stage lights though :)
Fauxred: I absolutely love this shot of @mysticmidway and I looking out over the carnival rides below. Original shot captured by Jeannie (thanks!), and I just loved the mood so much I wanted to share.
Fauxred: It was hot!
Fauxred: Quick break backstage. Dying of the heat but laughing my ass off with Bombshell Betty and @ifnwhendy at Lagunitas Beer Circus.