Fauxlaroid: Kiosk boot
Fauxlaroid: 1. 2. 3.
Fauxlaroid: 3. 4.
Fauxlaroid: _DSC0564
Fauxlaroid: _DSC0567
Fauxlaroid: Powdery mildew on squash
Fauxlaroid: Squash
Fauxlaroid: Ipomea/Morning Glory
Fauxlaroid: Clouds
Fauxlaroid: Globe amaranth
Fauxlaroid: Stachys byzantina, 'Big Ears'
Fauxlaroid: Corn
Fauxlaroid: Swiss chard, 'Bright Lights'
Fauxlaroid: Swiss chard, 'Bright Lights'
Fauxlaroid: Cherry tomatoes
Fauxlaroid: Petunias
Fauxlaroid: Pole beans
Fauxlaroid: Sedum 'Neon'
Fauxlaroid: Squash flower
Fauxlaroid: Sunflower
Fauxlaroid: Sunflower
Fauxlaroid: What's Growning On?
Fauxlaroid: Perovskia/Russian sage
Fauxlaroid: Swiss chard, 'Bright Lights'
Fauxlaroid: Sun-flower
Fauxlaroid: _DSC0618
Fauxlaroid: U of M grapes
Fauxlaroid: Sculpture detail
Fauxlaroid: Sunflower
Fauxlaroid: Fruit of the Aesculus glabra/The Ohio buckeye