Fatty Tuna:
Fatty Tuna:
Fatty Tuna:
Fatty Tuna:
courtesy oxishot
Fatty Tuna:
unclaimed luggage
Fatty Tuna:
jin's pretty luggage ribbon
Fatty Tuna:
waiting for luggage
Fatty Tuna:
sas travel
Fatty Tuna:
cusco international airport
Fatty Tuna:
Fatty Tuna:
first glimpse of the city
Fatty Tuna:
front desk
Fatty Tuna:
Fatty Tuna:
i think this is where the owners live
Fatty Tuna:
garden courtyard
Fatty Tuna:
our first room
Fatty Tuna:
dining and lounge
Fatty Tuna:
chatty hotel parrot
Fatty Tuna:
jin, our resident bird whisperer
Fatty Tuna:
slugbug yellow
Fatty Tuna:
Fatty Tuna:
rough walls
Fatty Tuna:
cusco has a ton of cool looking doors like this
Fatty Tuna:
shiny cobbled streets
Fatty Tuna:
buy everything you need -- even toilet paper!
Fatty Tuna:
sas travel office
Fatty Tuna:
the plaza de armas
Fatty Tuna:
flock of birds