fatniu: princeton chapel
fatniu: organ pipes sprout from the walls
fatniu: paparazzi
fatniu: evan
fatniu: evan and dad
fatniu: pei arrives with iris' dress
fatniu: iris in her dress
fatniu: pre-game huddle
fatniu: posing in shades
fatniu: posing in shades
fatniu: the bride approaches
fatniu: just married
fatniu: just married
fatniu: close ..
fatniu: closer ..
fatniu: kiss
fatniu: alan, irene and the maid of honor
fatniu: the flower girl
fatniu: the ring bearer
fatniu: after pictures
fatniu: heated dinner discussion
fatniu: iris
fatniu: iris
fatniu: grace and pei
fatniu: grace and pei
fatniu: grace
fatniu: cut
fatniu: feeding alan
fatniu: more kisses