fatniu: where's my damn plane?!
fatniu: waiting for a flight
fatniu: help me!
fatniu: walking home in the blizzard
fatniu: biking on the snow
fatniu: snowbikegang
fatniu: jesse, eric, daphne, pink
fatniu: julia, daphne, eric, amy, jen, sugar
fatniu: amy
fatniu: vicki, jaimee
fatniu: stephen, molly, posture
fatniu: julia, floor
fatniu: daphne, jen, shot
fatniu: feetses!
fatniu: whose boobs are those, anyway?
fatniu: daphne, dark
fatniu: cyn's clearly happy to see me
fatniu: aren't mornings wonderful?
fatniu: the wait for brunch at 7A
fatniu: mm .. my-T fine!