fatllama: Mt. Rainier up close (1)
fatllama: Mt. Rainier up close (2)
fatllama: Granite mountain hike (1)
fatllama: Mt. Si (2)
fatllama: Through the rocks at Mt. Si
fatllama: Granite mountain hike (2)
fatllama: Granite mountain hike (3)
fatllama: Ducking
fatllama: Lake union
fatllama: Tiger Mountain, Issaquah WA
fatllama: Two birds on the Oregon coast
fatllama: Church, tricycles
fatllama: Lab bike tour, 2005 (1)
fatllama: Suspension
fatllama: Blossom (2)
fatllama: Garden gate
fatllama: Colorful
fatllama: Creek, flowers
fatllama: Canopy
fatllama: Cheeky M.
fatllama: Jeff, pond
fatllama: Japanese garden