fatllama: Single ion trap apparatus
fatllama: Single trapped atom, glowing blue
fatllama: A dye laser (1)
fatllama: A dye laser (2)
fatllama: A dye laser (3)
fatllama: High power LEDs
fatllama: Respektieren Sie die Blinkenlichter
fatllama: IR laser and amplifier
fatllama: Infrared to blue doubling cavity
fatllama: 493 nm laser system
fatllama: 493 nm laser action shot
fatllama: TEM two two
fatllama: TEM zero two
fatllama: TEM zero four
fatllama: Argon-ion laser launches into fiber
fatllama: Infrared to ultraviolet doubling cavity
fatllama: Ion terror status alert system
fatllama: Optical frequency reference
fatllama: An ex-amplifier
fatllama: Argon laser graveyard
fatllama: Trap shadow
fatllama: Yellow box
fatllama: Circuitscape
fatllama: Birthday
fatllama: Oh no! Lab flood!
fatllama: Orange lamp
fatllama: Blue dye laser (1)
fatllama: Blue dye laser (2)
fatllama: Empty optical table
fatllama: Tablescape