Father Skye Mother Earth:
Allentown Rose Garden...yellow rose
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Dogon Pot from the Dogon tribe in Africa this is a ceremonial pot that I found in Milford Pa....this pic was taken in the Allentown Rose Garden in June of 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Dogon Pot from the Dogon tribe in Africa this is a ceremonial pot that I found in Milford Pa....this pic was taken in the Allentown Rose Garden in June of 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Dogon Pot from the Dogon tribe in Africa this is a ceremonial pot that I found in Milford Pa....this pic was taken in the Allentown Rose Garden in June of 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth:
I think this lil squirel is eating a blossom!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Allentown Rose Garden...my lil rose sprinkle creation
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Allentown Rose Garden...yellow rose bud
Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
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Father Skye Mother Earth:
rocks in allentown
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Timmith and Harrison at the Rose Garden in Allentown,Pa