Father Skye Mother Earth:
Sara in the shop
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Harrison in the shop
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Harrison in the shop 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Spheres on display in Father Skye Mother Earth 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Sara and Justin 2005
Father Skye Mother Earth:
A triangular shaped Quartz in a light box 2004
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth 2004
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth a beautiful experience
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth 2004
Father Skye Mother Earth:
The Medicine Buddha, an oil painting I Commissioned for my Shop Father Skye Mother Earth
Father Skye Mother Earth:
This is what my shop looked like when it all began!!!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Final colors and stag set up ...we're days away from opening
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Buddha in neon detail...
Father Skye Mother Earth:
The shop almost done ....few more color adjustments!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Collection of Quartz Points
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Father Skye Mother Earth:
cute Sara in shop
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Tim in shop 2006
Father Skye Mother Earth:
2004 me and Kat in the shop workroom
Father Skye Mother Earth:
The shop almost done ....few more color adjustments!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
The shop almost done ....few more color adjustments!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Me (Julie-Anne) in my shop
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Brass in the shop
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Senofu Pounder the papa
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Sara taking self-portrait in Father Skye Mother Earth
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Amethyst sphere on pewter dragon at Father Sky Mother Earth
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Crystals in the shop
Father Skye Mother Earth:
delicate sillica in the shop