Father Skye Mother Earth:
bathroom mosaic year one
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
I love this one
Father Skye Mother Earth:
more unfinished mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Green man and his cape in my Bathroom
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Berry peoples in my bathroom....part of the ever evolving mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom Mosaic still not done!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
My cool little berry peoples!! part of bathroom Mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom Mosaic leaf man and odd stones
Father Skye Mother Earth:
above the shower....my angel and rose quartz
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Leaf man made out of concrete on bathroom mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom wall not shower....entire bathroom turning into mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom wall not shower....entire bathroom turning into mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom wall not shower....entire bathroom turning into mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom wall not shower....entire bathroom turning into mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
progress.....long way to go!!!!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom Mosaic still not done!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom Mosaic still not done!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom Mosaic still not done!!
Father Skye Mother Earth:
energy symbol mosaic bathroom
Father Skye Mother Earth:
energy symbol mosaic bathroom shower
Father Skye Mother Earth:
mosaic in progress
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Black onyx, tourmaline, obsidian, snowflake obsidian, and a few others....and my happy leaf guy
Father Skye Mother Earth:
The sun with an Agate Eye.....bathroom mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite, and an Angel more of my bathroom mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Cross in my Bathroom mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Green man in my mosaic
Father Skye Mother Earth:
Bathroom Mosaic still not done!!
Father Skye Mother Earth: