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Bay of Plenty NZ by fate atc
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fate atc
Winter Beach
fate atc
Boiling Mudpool l
fate atc
Boiling Mudpool ll
fate atc
Waiotapu Thermal Mudpool
fate atc
Waiotapu Thermal Pool and Sulphur
fate atc
Silica Edge
fate atc
Artist's Palette
fate atc
Sulpur Flowers
fate atc
Champagne Pool Steam
fate atc
Artist's Palette Reflection
fate atc
Artist's Palette Reflection ll
fate atc
Champagne Pool Silica l
fate atc
Champagne Pool Silica ll
fate atc
Champagne Pool Silica lll
fate atc
Pied Stilt Feeding in Thermal Pool
fate atc
Silica Streambed Pattern l
fate atc
Silica Streambed Pattern ll
fate atc
Silica Waterfall l
fate atc
Silica Waterfall ll
fate atc
Whakatane River Mouth
fate atc
Statue of Wairaka
fate atc
Wairaka and Whakatane River Mouth
fate atc
Whakatane River Sunset
fate atc
Waiotapu Thermal Stream and Pool
fate atc
Large Mud Pool
fate atc
Mud Pool Edge
fate atc
Mud Pool Edge ll
fate atc
Mud Pool and Shrub
fate atc
Old Blowhole
fate atc
Mud Hole
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