fatboyke (Luc): Goodbye Erik, we've lost a friend!
fatboyke (Luc): Why not!
fatboyke (Luc): Happy 40th birthday, ERIK!!!!!
fatboyke (Luc): Crotch Grab by Eddie
fatboyke (Luc): Fuck off
fatboyke (Luc): Bikercafé, friends moving...
fatboyke (Luc): EBW 07, Faaker See, Austria 01
fatboyke (Luc): EBW 07, Faaker See, Austria 18
fatboyke (Luc): Rita's birthday party
fatboyke (Luc): The gang! BANG!!
fatboyke (Luc): Three-Country Point, Belgium - The Netherlands - Germany
fatboyke (Luc): EBW 07, Faaker See, Austria 32
fatboyke (Luc): EBW 07, Faaker See, Austria 53
fatboyke (Luc): EBW 07, Faaker See, Austria 54
fatboyke (Luc): EBW 07, Faaker See, Austria 64
fatboyke (Luc): Windsor, UK
fatboyke (Luc): Windsor, UK
fatboyke (Luc): My Bike Is Packed and I'm Ready to Go......