fastcure: Descansando II - Resting II
fastcure: Descansando I - Resting I
fastcure: Fotografia callejera II - Street photography II
fastcure: Fotografia callejera I - Street photography I
fastcure: Afición VII - Fans VII
fastcure: Duomo (Firenze)
fastcure: Indecisiones - Hesitations
fastcure: Entre los Rios Napo y Amazonas II - Between Napo and Amazonas rivers II
fastcure: Entre los Rios Napo y Amazonas I - Between Napo and Amazonas rivers I
fastcure: Orgullo de Bilbao - Pride of Bilbao
fastcure: Sombra fumando - Smoking shadow
fastcure: Yo - Me
fastcure: Explosante-fixe II
fastcure: Explosante-fixe I
fastcure: Sábado por la mañana - Saturday morning
fastcure: Tarde de caza - Hunting in the Evening
fastcure: look up!
fastcure: Libre - Free
fastcure: Jugando con el perro - Playing with the dog
fastcure: Desde mi atalaya - From my watchtower
fastcure: Arte urbano IV - Urban art IV
fastcure: Cruce de calles - Cross street
fastcure: Dentro del marco - Inside the frame
fastcure: Zapatos rojos - Red shoes
fastcure: Street photography
fastcure: Street photography
fastcure: Sundflower field
fastcure: Rearing horse - Caballo encabritado