Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Manatee coming up for air, Fort DeSoto FL
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Sunrise, East Beach Loop, Fort DeSoto Park, Tierra Verde Florida
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Pink Morning Light
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Tern the Sun over
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Scenes from the Fort
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Morning Kite Surfer 1
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): IMG_1814 PCA112 almost symmetrical
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Dark Morph, Reddish Egret, Fort DeSoto Park, North Beach, Florida
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Fort DeSoto at High Tide
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Morning Fly By
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): DeSoto Vertarama
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_09_26_43322-1_hf
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_08_30_32216
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_07_19_23568
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_24_04891
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_24_05038