Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Cat hiding in the grass
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter with leaves
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter with a fish again
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter bring up a fish
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter on bank 2
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter Profile shot
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter visiting heron
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Otter with a fish
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Mr Otter is back
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): flying into the pond
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Coming in for landing
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Passing Through,, again
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Why is there an Otter there and not a fish?
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): Just passing through
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_22_03778
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_23_04125_filtered
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_23_04127_filtered
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_23_04140_filtered
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_23_04133_filtered
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_23_04158_filtered
Fastball95 (Steve Leach): 2009_05_23_04167_filtered