fastasleepdaydreaming: Lace headband
fastasleepdaydreaming: Space Invaders pillow back
fastasleepdaydreaming: Space Invaders pillow
fastasleepdaydreaming: Lace headband
fastasleepdaydreaming: Fingerless mittens
fastasleepdaydreaming: Felted purse finished — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Felted purse, pre-felting — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Felted purse, post-felting — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Jill's mitts — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Jill's mitts — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Jill's mitts — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: He decided to come inside for tea.
fastasleepdaydreaming: ...but he seems very friendly.
fastasleepdaydreaming: I don't know his name yet...
fastasleepdaydreaming: I made a new friend today
fastasleepdaydreaming: Gargle the giraffe in pieces
fastasleepdaydreaming: Beth's box bag
fastasleepdaydreaming: Beth's box bag
fastasleepdaydreaming: Liz's wedding present — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Ouuuch — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: Phone home! — my design
fastasleepdaydreaming: E.T. — my design