fast_b: SSL20090
fast_b: SSL20091
fast_b: SSL20092
fast_b: Taller than you think.
fast_b: Is this tree giving me the finger?
fast_b: Still more ladybugs...
fast_b: Seriously, tons of these guys.
fast_b: There are really a lot of ladybugs here.
fast_b: Now imagine all these guys crawling around.
fast_b: I can see the city from here! It looks pretty small...
fast_b: More shoreline.
fast_b: Looking south along the shore.
fast_b: You think Balboa saw this?
fast_b: Some shoreline goodness.
fast_b: I don't actually know what this is.
fast_b: More blurry SF.
fast_b: Need a better lens for this.
fast_b: Water, as far as the eye can see.